Show trial in Italy - happy for my choice

I saw how they had a kind of show trial where a student from the United States name Amanda Knox was convicted of murder of some English student.


In fact the police caught the real killer rather fact. An immigrant was arrested in Germany where they interviewed him and he gave a statement that he was alone with the victim in the house. The German police had no interest in the case. With other words they could afford to be objective.


A young woman was murdered. A young life was cut short but they had the murderer and the case should be closed.




A poor immigrant murdering innocent girls is hardly a headline worth. We see all kind of crime being committed by immigrants here in Denmark all the time. It would make it to page 37 if most.


So the prosecutor in Italy had to do more with the case. He couldn't use the testimony from the accused to the German police to anything. He had to find a motivate which could boost his own career.


So he opened a lot of dirty magazines and invented a motive based on a sex-game gone wrong. This opened the posibility of charging Amanda Knox with the crime and frankly when the jurors wear sashes in national colors when giving the verdict it smells that they are doing it as a kind of revenge over a woman, who happens to come from a country which had insulted Italy just months before because they deny to extradite 23 CIA employees who according to the Italian courts had abducted a man from the streets of Italy without reason.


Amanda Knox did not have a fair chance of getting aquitted from the very start off. It was a kind of show trial we should expect in a court in Europe in this millennium.


I stated in an early blog entry why I have chosen not to study abroad. This only confirms that my choice was right.


Oh lordy. What did Europe come to?



Amanda Knox trial: The unanswered questions (The Telegraph)

Amanda Knox sobs as guilty verdict is read (CNN)

CIA agents guilty of Italy kidnap (BBC)

Comments: 2 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Paul Aris (Tuesday, 09 February 2010 18:53)

    In response to your blog relating to Amanda Knox and your post below from the Seattle Weekly, really, with respect your suggestion that Amanda Knox was persecuted because of 23 CIA employees that went AWOHL is complete and utter garbage. Knox and her Italian boyfriend lied, lied and lied some more right from the start. IMHO do some proper research before posting such ridiculous assumptions.

    They were guilty fair and square and I hope they both rot in Italy.

    Paul Aris (Wales)

    'It is not just a few Americans who trash the Italian justice system.

    We are quite a lot of Europeans too who can see this case for what it is.

    It is a hostage situation because the Italian police believe that 23 CIA agents abducted a person from a street in Italy. These agents were convicted in an Italian court but decided not to show up to serve their sentence.

    So when they couldn't get those people they believe are the bad guys they took it out over her instead.

    The jurors wore sashes like they were going into war for their country. Is that not proof enough?

  • #2

    Jytte (Tuesday, 09 February 2010 22:16)

    At least his theory makes sense. We now know that the prosecutor is a corrupt person who abuses his office. He has also been convicted. The worst part is that it was no secret at the Italian government because he has been on trial for years.

    Why can they let such a person handle the case. They must know that it is a high profile case where the judgment will be questioned.

    If I was minister of justice in a country where such a case should take place, I will personally see to that the people involved are spotless so not the entire justice system will be questioned.